Year-end Budget Amendment







Agenda Request Item



Type of Request: Adopt Resolution

(Adopt Resolution, Adopt Ordinance (1st Reading) Adopt Ordinance (2nd Reading)

Award Bid /RFP, Presentation, Public Hearing)


Continued from:      


Requested Action        (Identify appropriate Action or Motion)

Approve Resolution


Description of Action

The year-end Budget amendment reflects appropriations and funding transfers for completion of the City’s fiscal year on 9/30/2013.  In summary, this budget amendment reflects:

1)      appropriation of annual State insurance funds for the Police and Fire Pension plan,

2)      transfer of neighborhood Oasis project funds to the CIP fund,

3)      additional CRA funding from the City,

4)      added funding for Legal costs and Beach utility costs, and

5)      lower-than-planned officer vacancy offsets to annual BSO contract costs.

Provision is also made to “carry forward” unspent Fire Department pension and contract services funds for use in the coming FY 2012/13.


Purchasing Requests ONLY


Acct #:      


Fund:  General Fund. CIP Fund, CRA Fund  (Select from: General, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Grants, Capital)













Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

Includes State insurance receipts for pension  plans, transfer of appropriations to new and from completed Capital Projects, and small use of contingency balance for increased Legal and Beach water utility costs.


Exhibits Attached


Memo, Resolution